Featured products

Rozalex has been developing & supplying high quality handcare products and systems into all major industry sectors since 1929 - including aerospace, agriculture, automotive, chemical, construction, engineering, manufacturing, marine, oil & gas & utilities.
rozalex racing - 2024 British GT Team Champions !
Rozalex are proud partners of Barwell Motorsport for the 2024 British GT and Blancpain GT World Challenge Endurance Championships.
2 x Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup Am Drivers Champions
2 x Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup Am Teams Champions
Silver Cup Winners - 2019 Spa 24 Hours
Am Cup Winners - 2018 Spa 24 Hours
7 x British GT Championship Teams Champions - 2014 / 2015 / 2017 / 2019 / 2020 / 2021 / 2024
Creventic Barcelona 24 Hours - Outright Winners 2019

Rozalex awarded "Best-Buy 2023" by Auto-Express - the U.K's biggest selling car magazine!
We were incredibly proud to be awarded top spot in the 2017 Auto-Express hand cleaner test - and even more delighted to be chosen AGAIN in 2018 and AGAIN in 2019 and AGAIN in 2021 !! (P.S. There wasn't a test in 2020) And AGAIN in 2022 and AGAIN in 2023 !
Zalpon Zorange keeps its spot as the No 1. hand cleaner in the U.K. compared to the likes of Swarfega, Fast Orange and Manista - in addition to the top award, our new Zalpon Zing triple citrus hand cleaner was also awarded 4 out of 5 stars!
Product information

Why use a barrier cream ?
Barrier creams prevent the ingress of daily contaminants such as detergents, oils, chemicals etc. They leave a protective (but removable) layer on the top layer of the skin (epidermis) thus protecting the fragile "dermis" layer of the skin which prevents dermatitis. The use of barrier creams also means that dirt is much easier to remove from the hands after work as it does not get the chance to ingrain itself in the skin.

which barrier cream should i use ?
If your hands are getting wet or are you using water based paints, inks, adhesives, detergents, chemicals, cements, cutting oils, or working with soil / earth. If you are working with food - or wearing gloves or just need a general purpose cream.
If you are using oil or solvent based paints, inks, adhesives, resins. Working with mineral oil, diesel oil, grease, tar, bitumen, solvents, fibreglass, dust or general grime etc

cleaning & Sanitising your hands
We have hand cleaners to suit all applications - whether you require anti-bacterial products in a school or hospital or require removal of ingrained oil and grease on an oil-rig. We also have a range of BS-EN approved alcohol gels and unique alcohol-free sanitisers. Products are available in a large range of packs sizes from 250ml to 15 litres !

Restoring tired, dry or cracked hands
One of the most vital and often overlooked steps in professional handcare is the use of Reconditioning or Repair Creams. Used after work, Rozalex XWORX enables the skin to replace the lost oils and moisture that are vital to keep hands healthy - and can radically reduce the onset of dermatitis. XWORX is "more than just a moisturiser" and literally puts the life back into your hands !
Rozalex Racing
Some clips of our sponsored racing cars in 2023. - courtesy of Fanatec

Some of our customers
Some of our customers
About our Brand
Rozalex products were developed in the 1920's as a way of protecting the hands of workers who were involved in the manufacturing of batteries for the Automotive industry. The formulations were so successful that Rozalex was formed into a separate company in 1929. Rozalex products have always been and will continue to be manufactured in the United Kingdom.
British GT / Blancpain GT World Challenge Endurance 2024 season
Follow both Barwell Motorsport Lamborghini Huracan Evo cars as they battle for more honours in the British GT Championship and the Blancpain GT World Challenge Series !